Character Development for US Air Force Academy Cadets


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Center of Character and Leadership Development

Max James, the executive chairman of American Kiosk Management, completed his graduate studies at Stanford University and his Bachelor of Science at the United States Air Force Academy. A Distinguished Graduate Awardee of the Air Force Academy, for eight years Max James served as chairman of its Center of Character and Leadership Development (CCLD) committee for the AFA Endowment Foundation.

In line with the US Air Force’s mission, the CCLD helps equip future leaders within the organization with core values such as integrity, service, and excellence. The CCLD works to align all athletic, academic, and military endeavors at the academy with these values.

To this end, the CCLD offers year-round courses, workshops, and lectures that foster character development. Each year, cadets take a specific course focusing on certain learning areas.

First- and second-year cadets take IMPACT 401 and 301 (Instilling and Modeling the Profession of Arms and Character in a Team), respectively. This experiential course allows cadets to demonstrate their commitment to character in real leadership situations.

Third-year cadets go on to take THRIVE (Third-Class Human Behavior and Relationships in Varied Environments). In this course, cadets hone their communication skills, productivity strategies, problem-solving methods, and appreciation of diversity within a team setting.

Fourth-year cadets participate in FORCE (Fourth-Class Orientation to Character Effectiveness). This final course introduces students to the principles of “effective followership” as well as trains them to develop qualities such as self-management, commitment, competence, and courage.

Aside from these courses, cadets also undertake leadership-building exercises that incorporate unique challenges such as zip-lines, thus involving an element of adventure in their character training.

Mr. James is a Founding Member of the Board of Directors of the Academy’s Endowment Foundation.

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